Monday, July 14, 2008

Yosemite National Park

Before leaving San Fran we went to pick up our rental car only to be told that our 4 door, economy vehicle was not available, but they did have a 2 door red Ford Mustang sports car if we would prefer, an easy choice! After travelling 5 hours east across the country in the 'Tang' we arrived at Yosemite National park.
Above- The Ford MustangAbove- We stayed at Camp Curry which is right in the middle of the National park. It has a lot more 'mod cons' that I am traditionally used to from camping in Cadrona including bars, restaurants and most crucially flushing toilets.

Above- The 'tent' that we stayed in was very comfortable. The green steel box at the base of the tent is called the 'bear box'. This is where you must lock up anything with a scent that might attract the bears including snacks and toiletries including toothpaste!

Above- the trail up to the very impressive Vernal Falls.

Above- Nadia takes a break on our walk

Above- The Vernal falls from Clark Point

Above- The Nevada falls

Above- The view from Camp Curry includes 'Half Dome' a large granite structure which is a popular hiking destination for the 1000's of tourists each year.
The views at Yosemite national park rival parts of NZ and we both really enjoyed our time there. The wildlife that you can see is unparalleled including bears, which we saw on one of our walks.

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